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Quis fringilla quis cursus urna sed sed velit nunc metus condimentum. Et pretium nec magna eros id commodo ligula Phasellus Curabitur wisi. Lacus elit lorem ridiculus vitae tempus eget nibh ut risus et.
10 Januari 2022

Student Lounge (SL) Accounting Department

Student Lounge (SL) of the accounting department was designed as a place for students to interact with each other. SL was designed as “English Area” to support student communication skills, especially in active English. SL is equipped with facilities of table and chair for learning and adequate wifi network support. In SL students can take a break from their lecture times, discussing the final lecture materials or assignments they are working on. With the online journal services provide by university and faculty, students may also access scientific articles from reputable journal.


Accounting Reading Room (ARR)

ARR development began when the accounting department won QUE in early 2000. ARR was designed as a Co-Working Space that lecturer and students can use to write their research. ARR has a relative large collection of textbooks and journals, and ARR will also be aquipped with Personal Computers (PC) that will make it easier for students to access scientific articles or financial database.

Lecture Hall 

Universitas Andalas provides 168 lecture rooms (collage space, classroom, and project room). This lecture is provided for 15 faculties and one diploma. There are 3 types of lecture halls; Small lecture halls with a maximum capacity of 40 students, large classrooms with a capacity of 40-60 students, and lecture theater spaces that can facilitate more than a hundred students. Each building is devoted to college (e.g. Building A-I). Many buildings (e.g. Buildings I, E, F) are equipped with state-of-the-art equipment for seminar rooms that are usually used for events such as seminars, workshops, and more.

Each classroom is equipped with standard facilities to support teaching and learning activities such as; chairs, whiteboards, LCD projectors, air conditioners and/or fans. The mobility of the academic community between buildings is connected by corridors. This corridor protects them from bad weather as they walk into the lecture hall. A green environment and open spaces surround the building which provides good and natural circulation of fresh air. In their free time, students can gather in gazebos between buildings to discuss academic and non-academic issues. This activity will help develop the social skills of students.


Convention Hall 



The university's central library consists of five floors. The first floor is for support offices and ICT. The second floor is the main library room, where a collection of books and reading rooms is housed. The floor is also equipped with a relaxing sofa and cubic study room. The other three floors are devoted to support facilities such as discussion rooms, meeting rooms, and multimedia rooms. Each room is equipped with air conditioning and adequate learning facilities such as whiteboards, and projectors. In addition, computers and the internet can also be accessed in the library. Photocopying centers are also available to support academic activities.


Daily service starts at 08:00 and ends at 17:00 from Monday to Friday. Electronic doors are used to control the flow of visitors. Students, faculty, and staff use their ID cards to pass through the entrance by tapping the card on the barrier sensor. The visitors who do not have an ID card, they must enter their data on the computer at the front desk. This procedure ensures visitors are recorded and prevents unauthorized persons from entering.


Various collections of books, academic journals, graduate and graduate theses as well as magazines and newspapers are provided in the central library. To access the collection. The Open Public Access Catalog (OPAC) is installed in four computer peace to allow visitors to perform keyword-based searches. The availability and location of the collection is presented on the computer screen so that visitors are informed about their interest. Once they know the availability status, and the shelf location number, they can choose their own collection. Different schemes for the thesis, the visitors should not choose the collection, but the librarian will help them.


10 Januari 2022

Center for Accounting Development


Center for Accounting Development (PPA) is an institution that was established in 1987 under the Department of Accounting, Faculty of Economics, Andalas University, Padang. The main function of PPA is to develop research, training, consulting, taxation, computing, and accounting information systems activities.


Become a professional institution in providing training, consulting, research in the fields of accounting, taxation, computing, and accounting information systems


1. Organizing training in the fields of Accounting, taxation and related sciences.

2. Provide consulting services in accounting and taxation computing, and accounting information systems.

3. Carry out application research activities in the fields of accounting, taxation, computing, and accounting information systems


PPA aims to develop accounting knowledge, develop research and community service as well as assist companies and other institutions in tax consulting, accounting and accounting information systems in order to strengthen the role of the Accounting department as an accounting higher education institution Consulting in terms of:

1. Preparation of Financial Statements

2. Calculation of Cost of Production

3. Company Financial Information Analysis

4. Taxation


⦁ Accounting Cycle Training

The accounting cycle training includes efforts to upgrade “skills in understanding the accounting cycle in service companies, trading companies, and manufacturing companies. This training is also designed to get used to working with transaction data using accounting software.

⦁ Tax Course

PPA has experience implementing tax courses since the late 1990s. So far, 116 batches have registered taking tax courses at PPA. The tax courses carried out include General Provisions and Tax Procedures, Article 21 Income Tax, Withholding and Collection Income Tax (PPh articles 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, and 4 paragraph 2), Corporate Income Tax, Personal Income Tax, Tax Value Added, and Local Tax


⦁ Public Accountant Certification Exam Preparation Training (CPA Review)

Purpose and Meaning of Activities:

To become a public accountant and practice as a public accountant, every accountant is required to pass the Public Accountant Certification Examination (USAP). This USAP is held regularly and on a scheduled basis by the Indonesian Institute of Accountants (ILA). The Center of Accounting Development FE-Unand accommodates the prospective USAP participants by providing guidance/discussion on USAP questions.




1. Research in Accounting, taxation, computing, and accounting information systems and related sciences for the development of accounting science.

2. Tax Course (Brevet A and B)

3. Research applications to strengthen the implementation of Accounting.

4. Organizing seminars, workshops, discussions, symposia, and the like to develop Accounting in order to increase the knowledge of lecturers, students and the public in the field of accounting and related sciences.

5. Organizing training in Accounting and related fields in Accounting, taxation, computing, and accounting information systems.

6. Organizing community service to improve the implementation of accounting in order to create a society that cares about accountability and accounting information.

7. Carry out internal checks on business organizations.

8. Organizing Tax Training.

9. Providing Tax and Accounting consulting services

10. Fostering GIBEI UNAND.


In addition, PPA is also supported by teaching staff who have KAP (Public Accounting Firm), namely:

KAP Drs. Gafar Salim, Ak

KAP Drs. SayutiGazali, Ak

KAP Drs. Syahril Ali, Ak

KAP Drs. Rinaldi Munaf, Ak


PPA Management


Director         : Dr. Elvira Luthan, S.E., M.Sc., Ak

Assistant Director : Warnida, S.E., MM., Ak

Course Manager  : 


Contact us :

Jln. Perintis Kemerdekaan 77, Padang, lndonesia

Phone +6275123374   Fax+6275123374

Email : Alamat email ini dilindungi dari robot spam. Anda memerlukan Javascript yang aktif untuk melihatnya.


10 Januari 2022


Dr. Fauzan Misra, M.Sc, Ak, CA, BKP

(Ketua Jurusan Akuntansi 2021-2025)


Jurusan Akuntansi Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Andalas (JAFEUA) didirikan pada tahun 1978.  Sampai tahun 2021 JAFEUA telah dipimpin oleh 9 pasangan Ketua dan Sekretaris Jurusan.  JAFEUA memiliki sekitar 770 mahasiswa pada program regular dan internasional serta sekitar 100 mahasiswa pada program S1 Intake D.III. Selain itu, terdapat sekitar 100 orang mahasiswa magister akuntansi dan Pendidikan Profesi Akuntansi (PPAk). JAFEUA didukung oleh sekitar 50 orang staf pengajar dan profesional/praktisi. JAFEUA memiliki 5 program studi yang dikepalai oleh Kepala Program Studi yakni Program S1 reguler, Program S1 Internasional, Program S1 Intake D.III, Program Pendidikan Profesi Akuntansi, dan Peogram Magister Sains Akuntansi.  Pendidikan pada program S1 ditempuh dalam jangka waktu 4 tahun atau 8 semester. 

Terdapat beberapa bidang keilmuan pada Program Studi S1 yakni: 

⦁ Akuntansi Keuangan, 

⦁ Pengauditan 

⦁ Akuntansi Manajemen, 

⦁ Akuntansi Sektor Publik, 

⦁ Perpajakan, 

⦁ Sistem Informasi, dan 

⦁ Governance, Risk, and Compliance (GRC). 

Pada program Magister Sains Akuntansi terdapat 3 (tiga) pilihan konsentrasi yang dapat dipilih oleh mahasiswa sesuai dengan minatnya, yakni 

⦁ Akuntansi Keuangan, 

⦁ Akuntansi Manajemen, dan 

⦁ Akuntansi Sektor Publik. 

Pendidikan Profesi Akuntansi (PPAk) menyiapkan mahasiswa untuk lebih mendalami profesi akuntan dan memperoleh gelar sertifikasi kompetensi profesi seperti Chartered Accountand (CPA) dan Certified Public Accountant (CPA). 

Program studi S1 akuntansi telah mendapatkan pengakuan atas kualitas input, proses dan luarannya yang ditunjkkan oleh peroleh Akreditas A (2020-2025) dan sertifikasi AUN-QA (2018-2023). Program Magister Sains dan PPAk saat ini berstatus akreditas B. JAFEUA selalu menaruh perhatian yang tinggi terhadap kualitas sehingga perolehan dan pemertahanan status akreditasi menjadi hal penting di JAFEUA. Saat ini JAFEUA sedang menunggu proses visitasi Akreditas Internasional Foundation for International Business Adminsitration Accreditation (FIBAA) untuk Program S1 dan S2. 


08 Januari 2022

Spesifikasi Program



Sarjana Akuntansi

Nama Program Studi


Program Sarjana Akuntansi



Fakultas Ekonomi



Universitas Andalas



Phone: (0751) 71088



Tahun Pendirian



Status Akreditasi


Status “A” oleh Badan Akreditasi Nasional Pergiruan Tinggi (BAN-PT), berlaku sampai 1 April 2025.

(SK Nomor: 7841/SK/BAN-PT/Ak-PPJ/S/XII/2020)

Gelar Kesarjanaan


Sarjana Akuntansi  (S.Ak)


Masa Studi


4 (empat) Tahun atau 8 (selapan)semester




145 SKS



Waktu Penuh (Full time)

Bidang-Bidang Utama


Akuntansi Keuangan, Akuntansi Manajemen, Akuntansi Sektor Publik, Perpajakan, Pengauditan, dan Sistem Informasi (Financial Accounting, Management Accounting, Public Sector Accounting, Taxation, Auditing, and Information System)

Syarat Masuk


a.        Passing Exam of High-school level 

b.       Adequate passing grade of UMSP through valid selection (ie. national selection (Seleksi Nasional Masuk Perguruan Tinggi Negeri/SNMPTN, joint entrance selection (Seleksi Bersama Masuk Perguruan Tinggi Negeri/SBMNPTN), local selection (Ujian Mandiri)

c.        Prove of English proficiency by taking the TOEFL or another test

Tujuan Pendidikan Program


1.       Unggul dalam keterampilan analitis dan teknologis terkait akuntansi, pengauditan, keuangan, perpajakan, dan sistem informasi, dalam memperhatikan isu-isu kontemporer dan global.

2.       Mendemosntrasikan profesionalisme level timggi, keterampilan komunikasi yang baik, kesadaran tanggung-jawab etis dan sosial, dan terikat dalam pembelajran seumur hidup.

3.      Mencapai pendidikan lanjutan dan/atau sertifikasi profesi sebagai pendukung karir di dunia akuntansi dan bidang-bidang terkait

Capaian Pembelajaran Lulusan



1.       Mahasiswa mampu untuk menyiapkan, mengaudit, dan mengalisis laporan keuangan dan laporan keuangan dan non-keuangan lainnya dan memenuhi kewajiban perpajakan untuk organisasi profit dan non-profit.

2.       Mendemonstrasikan seluruh atribut sebagai profesional

3.       Peduli dengan etika dan tanggungjawab sosial

4.       Mampu melakukan komunikasi tertulis dan taktertulis dengan baik

5.       Menunjukkan kemampuan untuk mnyesuaian diri dengan isu-isu saat ini dan masa depan dalam bidang akuntansi, keuangan, assurance, dan perpajakan.



Kontak Departemen Akuntansi

Sekretariat Departemen Akuntansi : 

Asral Amri, A.Md & Hones Diparmi, S.Kom 

Gd. Fakultas Ekonomi
Limau Manis 25163
Universitas Andalas

Phone : (0751) 71088 / HP : 082257544490
E-Mail :


Lokasi Departemen Akuntansi Universitas Andalas