Center for Accounting Development (PPA)

Center for Accounting Development


Center for Accounting Development (PPA) is an institution that was established in 1987 under the Department of Accounting, Faculty of Economics, Andalas University, Padang. The main function of PPA is to develop research, training, consulting, taxation, computing, and accounting information systems activities.


Become a professional institution in providing training, consulting, research in the fields of accounting, taxation, computing, and accounting information systems


1. Organizing training in the fields of Accounting, taxation and related sciences.

2. Provide consulting services in accounting and taxation computing, and accounting information systems.

3. Carry out application research activities in the fields of accounting, taxation, computing, and accounting information systems


PPA aims to develop accounting knowledge, develop research and community service as well as assist companies and other institutions in tax consulting, accounting and accounting information systems in order to strengthen the role of the Accounting department as an accounting higher education institution Consulting in terms of:

1. Preparation of Financial Statements

2. Calculation of Cost of Production

3. Company Financial Information Analysis

4. Taxation


⦁ Accounting Cycle Training

The accounting cycle training includes efforts to upgrade “skills in understanding the accounting cycle in service companies, trading companies, and manufacturing companies. This training is also designed to get used to working with transaction data using accounting software.

⦁ Tax Course

PPA has experience implementing tax courses since the late 1990s. So far, 116 batches have registered taking tax courses at PPA. The tax courses carried out include General Provisions and Tax Procedures, Article 21 Income Tax, Withholding and Collection Income Tax (PPh articles 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, and 4 paragraph 2), Corporate Income Tax, Personal Income Tax, Tax Value Added, and Local Tax


⦁ Public Accountant Certification Exam Preparation Training (CPA Review)

Purpose and Meaning of Activities:

To become a public accountant and practice as a public accountant, every accountant is required to pass the Public Accountant Certification Examination (USAP). This USAP is held regularly and on a scheduled basis by the Indonesian Institute of Accountants (ILA). The Center of Accounting Development FE-Unand accommodates the prospective USAP participants by providing guidance/discussion on USAP questions.




1. Research in Accounting, taxation, computing, and accounting information systems and related sciences for the development of accounting science.

2. Tax Course (Brevet A and B)

3. Research applications to strengthen the implementation of Accounting.

4. Organizing seminars, workshops, discussions, symposia, and the like to develop Accounting in order to increase the knowledge of lecturers, students and the public in the field of accounting and related sciences.

5. Organizing training in Accounting and related fields in Accounting, taxation, computing, and accounting information systems.

6. Organizing community service to improve the implementation of accounting in order to create a society that cares about accountability and accounting information.

7. Carry out internal checks on business organizations.

8. Organizing Tax Training.

9. Providing Tax and Accounting consulting services

10. Fostering GIBEI UNAND.


In addition, PPA is also supported by teaching staff who have KAP (Public Accounting Firm), namely:

KAP Drs. Gafar Salim, Ak

KAP Drs. SayutiGazali, Ak

KAP Drs. Syahril Ali, Ak

KAP Drs. Rinaldi Munaf, Ak


PPA Management


Director         : Dr. Elvira Luthan, S.E., M.Sc., Ak

Assistant Director : Warnida, S.E., MM., Ak

Course Manager  : 


Contact us :

Jln. Perintis Kemerdekaan 77, Padang, lndonesia

Phone +6275123374   Fax+6275123374

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Kontak Departemen Akuntansi

Sekretariat Departemen Akuntansi : 

Asral Amri, A.Md & Hones Diparmi, S.Kom 

Gd. Fakultas Ekonomi
Limau Manis 25163
Universitas Andalas

Phone : (0751) 71088 / HP : 082257544490
E-Mail :


Lokasi Departemen Akuntansi Universitas Andalas