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12 July 2018

Those are the textbooks from lecturer works at Accounting Department

Faculty of Economics Andalas University, namely:




Riwayadi(2016): Akuntansi Biaya (Edisi 2): Pendekatan Tradisional dan Kontemporer; Penerbit Salemba Empat Jakarta. ISBN: 978-979-061-695-0


Riwayadi(2016): Praktikum Akuntansi Biaya [Kasus & Kertas Kerja]; Penerbit Salemba Empat Jakarta. ISBN: 978-979-061-643-7


Eddy R. Rasyid(2015): Accounting in Action; Teori Kontinjensi dan Relativitas Budaya Sistem Akuntansi Manajemen; Insist Press. ISBN: 978-602-8384-98-8


Rahmat Febrianto(2015):The Intelligent Investor: Ajaran-ajaran Inti dalam Berinvestasi: Pijar Nalar.ISBN: 978-602-71641-40-9


Yuskar(2014): Bung Hatta; Sistem Ekonomi Rakyat, Menuju Indonesia Makmur dan Bermartabat; UST Press ISBN: 978-602-70408-3-0


Riwayadi(2014): Akuntansi Biaya: Pendekatan Tradisional dan Kontemporer; Penerbit Salemba Empat Jakarta. ISBN: 978-979-061-537-3 (Jilid 1)


Edi Herman(2013): Akuntansi Manajerial: Suatu Orientasi Praktis; Penerbit Mitra Wacana Media ISBN: 978-609-1521-47-2


Efa Yonnedi(2012): Regional Development and Finances: Challenges for Expanding and Financing Public Services IRSA Book Series on Regional Development 10; 


Efa Yonnedi(2009) :Privatisation, Governance, and Corporate Performance: Indonesia’s Experiences of Public Enterprises Reforms; Germany: LAP Publishing. 
ISBN-13: 978-3838309644


Suhanda(2007): Akuntansi Keuangan Pemerintah Daerah.penerbit andalas lima sisi. 
ISBN 978-979-17634-1-7


Edi Herman(2006): Penganggaran Korporasi Suatu Pendekatan Terintegratif PT Rajagrafindo Persada, ISBN 979-769-053-9


Niki Lukviarman(2006) :Dasar-dasar Manajemen Keuangan (memperoleh penghargaan Best Lecture-notes Award dari program Quality for Undergraduate Education (QUE) project, 2000), volume 1 telah diterbitkan dalam rangka peringatan Lustrum X Universitas Andalas Padang, Unand Press, 2006.


Niki Lukviarman(2006) : Multimedia, Visualisasi Proses Penyusunan Rencana Keuangan Perusahaan (Proyek Pengembangan Diri/PPD yang disponsori oleh HEDS-Project, 1997)


Niki Lukviarman(2006): Penyusunan Studi Kelayakan Bisnis; Pendekatan Terintegrasi (disponsori oleh Lembaga Manajemen Universitas Andalas, 1997).


Riwayadi(2006): Akuntansi Biaya,Penerbit Andalas University Press, Insist Yogyakarta, ISBN: 979-3364-51-3


Edi Herman(2006): Penganggaran Korporasi Suatu Pendekatan Terintegratif, PT Rajagrafindo Persada, ISBN 979-769-053-9

12 July 2018


Seleksi Nasional Masuk Perguruan Tinggi (SNMPTN) or
National Selection of State University Entrance is the one form of student admissions selection path to enter public universities conducted simultaneously throughout Indonesia including the University of Andalas. Each senior high school may enroll students who have National School Identity Number Identity (NPSN) and fill the student achievement data in PDSS (School and Student Database).

In detail, information on the PDSS procedure is contained in the registration guidance that is accessible on the official official page, while the registration and implementation procedures of SNMPTN are included in the guidance of participants accessible on the official website: //


Seleksi Bersama Masuk Perguruan Tinggi Negeri (SBMPTN) Collective Selection of State College is a joint selection in the admission of new students in Indonesia Universities including University of Andalas. It uses a written examinations nationally that has been showing various advantages, whether for prospective students, public universities, as well as the national interest. SBMPTN written test scripts are designed to measure the general abilities that allegedly determine the success of prospective students in all courses, namely higher order thinking, which includes academic potential, mastery of basic studies, the field of science and technology, and / or social and humanities.
Official Website SBMPTN :



Independent Selection of University Entrance (SMM PTN-BARAT) is a selection of new student candidates for independent pathways that the implementation is done jointly between universities incorporated in BKS West Region. Implementation of the selection adopted the pattern performed on the SBMPTN line that is based on the results of print-based print test (UTBC) or a combination of written test results and skill examinations conducted jointly under the coordination of the PTN-BARAT SMM committee.

In detail, information on the PDSS is contained in the PDSS registration guidance that is accessible on the official

12 July 2018





Thinking, saying, behaving, and acting well and right and upholdings the principles of honesty and ethics.





Avoiding conflict of interest in performing tasks and always set objectivity as priority in carrying out professional work.





Work thoroughly and accurately on best competence basis, full of responsibility and high commitment.





Every subject in department shows the culture of compliance over internal and external rules.





Establish internal cooperative relationships and partnerships with external party in productive and harmonious way.





Take initiative and participate actively in life and society and nation development





Respect everyone and their perspective and be humble.


Accounting Department Office : 

Asral Amri, A.Md & Hones Diparmi, S.Kom 

Gd. Fakultas Ekonomi
Limau Manis 25163
Universitas Andalas

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