Recognition of the quality of the process and outcomes of implementing the Tridharma of Higher Education is shown by recognition in the form of accreditation or certification. After obtaining and maintaining accreditation status A (2020) and obtaining AUN-QA certification (2018), the Department of Accounting, Faculty of Economics, Andalas University (JAFEUA) is always committed to improving internal processes to gain wider recognition in the form of obtaining accreditation or other international certifications. Therefore, JAFEUA, both in undergraduate and postgraduate study programs, plans to get FIBAA international accreditation in the next 1-2 years. Accreditation is highly dependent on the quality of the curriculum applied. Therefore, efforts to improve the JAFEUA curriculum are important. In addition, improving the implementation of the OBE-based curriculum has also become a concern for all JAFEUA stakeholders. The department has also paid great attention to the preparation of grading and assessment systems, formulating mechanisms and implementing evaluations of learning outcomes.

In addition, internship programs in the Business and Industrial Worlds as well as other forms of implementation of the Independent Learning, Independent Campus (MBKM) program also need to be facilitated and accommodated in the curriculum of the Study Programs at JAFEUA. There are 10 forms of MBKM activities launched by the Ministry of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia. The University of Andalas has responded to these ten programs by issuing 11 related Rector Regulations, one of which is a curriculum preparation guideline containing MBKM.

The Independent Campus policy that has been set by the Minister of Education and Culture aims to improve the quality and relevance of graduate program graduates. This Independent Campus policy is stated in the Decree of the Minister of Education and Culture Number 754/P/2020 concerning Main Performance Indicators (IKU) of State Universities and Higher Education Service Institutions within the Ministry of Education and Culture in 2020. There are 8 (eight) KPIs with the target improving the quality of higher education graduates, the quality of higher education lecturers, and the quality of curriculum and learning. One of the eight KPIs focuses on curriculum with Case-Based methods (CBM) and Project-Based Learning (PjBL) content. These conditions give a clear message that the curriculum in study programs needs to be updated and able to accommodate the objectives set out in Ministerial Decree No. the 754. JAFEUA has started the curriculum revision process since 2018 and updated it in 2021 by considering studies through tracer studies, input from stakeholders both internal and external, and taking into account the needs of MBKM.


Accounting Department Office : 

Asral Amri, A.Md & Hones Diparmi, S.Kom 

Gd. Fakultas Ekonomi
Limau Manis 25163
Universitas Andalas

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