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Quis fringilla quis cursus urna sed sed velit nunc metus condimentum. Et pretium nec magna eros id commodo ligula Phasellus Curabitur wisi. Lacus elit lorem ridiculus vitae tempus eget nibh ut risus et.
11 January 2022

FIBAA (Foundation for International Business Administration Accreditation)

Universities are expected to play a role in facing competitiveness in the era of globalization. In a higher education system that increases autonomy, accountability for quality assurance and education strategies is in the hands of universities. Therefore, to protect the interests of the community and accountability to the public, accreditation is an important aspect to be paid attention to by universities as an indicator of quality. Based on this, the recognition of higher education on an international scale is important.

International accreditation or certification is an important part in the management of education, therefore international accreditation or certification can be a major aspect in higher education because it will reflect the strength of the nation in the eyes of the international community. International accreditation or certification can have multiple meanings both within and outside the country. Domestically, international accreditation or certification can be used to ensure an increase in the quality culture nationally. Meanwhile international accreditation or certification can provide a global perspective that education in Indonesia is also equal. These two perspectives are not only important for the Government, but also for universities in general and the study programs at these universities.

FIBAA or Foundation for International Business Administration Accreditation, is a non-profit organization specifically established to promote quality and transparency in education and science by providing a quality seal for study programs and education providers. FIBAA is based on national and international requirements and standards. In particular on European Standards and Guidelines (ESG) and the promotion of practical relevance and employability.

FIBAA achieves its goals, in particular, by developing appropriate measures and instruments, which serve to determine quality guidelines for each of the academic goals targeted by educational institutions (study programs). In addition, FIBAA establishes relevant decision-making bodies to accredit, audit, evaluate and certify international education programs and their providers. FIBAA also contributes proactively to the work of international agencies and beyond to achieve comparability of quality standards and quality assurance processes in the education sector.

The task of quality assurance is the responsibility of higher education institutions. FIBAA supports higher education institutions in achieving these stated goals. FIBAA offers indicators for further quality development. FIBAA promotes quality and transparency in academic education by assessing Higher Education Institutions (HEI), Business Schools, study programs and further study offerings nationally and internationally against international standards and regulations and by documenting and publishing the results.

FIBAA accreditation provides detailed information and provides objective evidence of the quality of the study program. FIBAA evaluates five main criteria, namely:

1. Objectives and positioning of the study program (Objectives and positioning of the  study programme)

2. Admission standards and procedure

3. Content, Structure and Didactic concept of the study program

4. Academic environment and framework standards

5. Quality assurance, quality development and documentation (Quality assurance, quality development and documentation)


FIBAA procedures at the institutional level (system accreditation, institutional accreditation) are interdisciplinary; the procedure is directed at all HEIs and other education providers. In the areas of program accreditation procedures and certification procedures, the FIBAA academic continuing education program places special emphasis on programs in law, social and economic sciences and management qualifications. As the advisory unit of FIBAA, FIBAA Consult supports higher education institutions and assists them in the development and implementation of their quality-oriented strategies. FIBAA Consult conducts evaluation procedures according to individual goals of higher education institutions and other academic institutions and offers workshops and seminars on current issues.



The official FIBAA website accessed on the


11 January 2022

HIMA Accounting is an organization that aims and is oriented towards student activities in the academic field. Initially, the function of HIMA was to learn about courses in accounting so that students could better understand lectures in this field. However, over time the function of HIMA became wider, not only in the academic field but also in the non-academic field. HIMA provides a place for students to hone and develop their skills in both academic and non-academic fields. For non-academic fields, one example is the Accounting Week event. In this event, students can channel their talents and skills in the field of music through one of the branches of the Accounting Week event, namely Accoustic. In addition, HIMA also provides a training platform for the olympics and competitions in the accounting field through Hicomtion (HIMA Information Competition and Preparation).


Behind the success of Student Association of Accounting Department (HIMA), of course there are great leaders involve on it. The following is the chairman of HIMA Accounting for the last 5 years. HIMA Accounting for the 2017/2018 period is chaired by Berli Mulia Tama. In this period, for the first time, HIMA implemented a point system for every violation committed by HIMA management. Furthermore, in the 2018/2019 period, HIMA was led by Wahyu Rilvi Satria. During this period, HIMA implemented a family and professional system. This year, HIMA has succeeded in organizing the 40th anniversary of the Accounting Department, whose committee is from the HIMA management and is directly supervised by lecturers. In the next period, namely 2019/2020, HIMA is chaired by Ahmad Nadhirin. During this period, HIMA managed to run its flagship program online, namely TRYOUT (TO) SBMPTN, workshop, student accounting competition, and friendly meetings.


Furthermore, in the 2019/2020 period, HIMA was led by Fauzan Amirul Haq. During this period, HIMA also succeeded in carrying out online work programs. Among them are two major events, namely Accounting Week (AW) and Accounting for Students (AFS). For the management of the 2021/2022 period, HIMA is chaired by Zikri Adzani.

11 January 2022

Dalam 3 tahun terakhir, mahasiswa Program Studi Akuntansi Universitas Andalas  telah meraih prestasi akademik dan non akademik yang sangat baik sehingga dapat meningkatkan reputasi dan nama baik Program Studi Akuntansi  Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Andalas. Mahasiswa Program Studi Akuntansi  telah mendapatkan penghargaan/juara sebanyak 58 kegiatan terdiri dari; 32 kegiatan pada tingkat Internasional, 12 kegiatan pada tingkat nasional dan 14 kegiatan pada tingkat lokal. Informasinya diuraikan sebagai berikut:


11 January 2022



HIMA Akuntansi adalah organisasi yang bertujuan dan berorientasi terhadap kegiatan mahasiswa di bidang akademis.HIMA Akuntansi Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Andalas berlandaskan Tri Dharma perguruan Tinggi. HIMA merupakan wadah mahasiswa di tingkat perguruan tinggi dan merupakan kelengkapan non struktural pada perguruan tinggi. HIMA bersifat independen, kekeluargaan, kemahasiswaan dan keprofesian akuntansi.

Organisasi HIMA bertujuan untuk terwujudnya mahasiswa yang bertaqwa pada Tuhan YME, berbudi pekerti luhur, berwawasan luas, professional, cendekiawan, bersifat kritis dan dinamis serta memiliki integritas dan kepedulian sosial. Sementara, Fungsi HIMA Akuntansi Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Andalas adalah sebagai berikut: 

a. Wadah pengembangan kepribadian mahasiswa Akuntansi Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Andalas

b. Wadah pengembangan keprofesian dan professionalism

c. Wadah pengembangan aktivitas akademis kemahasiswaan

d. Wadah penyalur aspirasi pemberdayaan dan pemersatu mahasiswa akuntansi Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Andalas


Awalnya fungsi HIMA adalah untuk mempelajari tentang mata kuliah di bidang akuntansi agar mahasiswa lebih mengerti perkuliahan di bidang ini. Namun, seiring berjalannya waktu fungsi HIMA menjadi lebih luas, tidak hanya sekedar di bidang akademik namun juga di bidang  non-akademik. HIMA menyediakan wadah untuk mahasiswa mengasah dan mengembangkan skill mereka baik di bidang akademik maupun non-akademik. Untuk bidang non-akademik salah satu contohnya adalah event Accounting Week. Di event ini mahasiswa dapat menyalurkan bakat dan skill mereka di bidang musik melalui salah satu cabang acara Accounting Week yaitu Accoustik. Selain itu, HIMA juga menyediakan wadah pelatihan untuk olimpiade dan perlombaan di bidang akuntansi melalui Hicomtion. 

Dibalik kesuksesan HIMA Akuntansi, tentunya ada pemimpin-pemimpin hebat di dalamnya. Berikut ketua HIMA Akuntansi selama 5 tahun terakhir. HIMA Akuntansi periode 2017/2018 diketuai oleh Berli Mulia Tama. Pada periode ini untuk pertama kalinya HIMA menerapkan sistem poin untuk setiap pelanggaran yang dilakukan oleh pengurus HIMA. Selanjutnya, pada periode 2018/2019, HIMA dipimpin oleh Wahyu Rilvi Satria. Pada periode ini HIMA menerapkan sistem kekeluargaan dan profesionalitas. Di tahun ini, HIMA berhasil menyelenggarakan peringatan 40 tahun Jurusan Akuntansi yang panitianya dari pengurus HIMA dan dibimbing langsung oleh dosen. Di periode berikutnya, yaitu 2019/2020, HIMA diketuai oleh Ahmad Nadhirin. Pada periode ini, HIMA berhasil menjalankan proker unggulannya secara online yaitu TO SBMPTN, Workshop, Accounting competition siswa, serta temu ramah. 

Selanjutnya pada periode 2020/2021, HIMA dipimpin oleh Fauzan Amirul Haq. Periode ini HIMA juga berhasil melaksanakan proker-proker secara online. Diantaranya 2 acara besar yaitu Accounting Week (AW) dan Accunting for Students (AFS). Untuk kepengurusan periode 2021/2022, HIMA diketuai oleh Zikri Adzani.



Accounting Department Office : 

Asral Amri, A.Md & Hones Diparmi, S.Kom 

Gd. Fakultas Ekonomi
Limau Manis 25163
Universitas Andalas

Phone : (0751) 71088 / HP : 082257544490
E-Mail :

