04 June 2018

To prepare a superior and competitive graduate, Accounting Department of  Economics Faculty of Andalas University (JAFEUA) held a workshop on curriculum updating of S1 Accounting Program on December 5-6, 2016. The purpose of the workshop is to arrange graduate profile, graduate learning achievement, subject learning achievement, and semester learning plan (RPS). Curriculum updating is done in accordance with the Indonesian National Qualification Framework, National Standards of Higher Education and International Education Standard on Accounting (IES). The event ran successfully followed by a board of lecturers majoring in accounting of Andalas University. Since 2016, JAFEUA has implemented a new curriculum based on KKNI.



Accounting Department Office : 

Asral Amri, A.Md & Hones Diparmi, S.Kom 

Gd. Fakultas Ekonomi
Limau Manis 25163
Universitas Andalas

Phone : (0751) 71088 / HP : 082257544490
E-Mail : akuntansi@eb.unand.ac.id

